Rain. -Part 1-

Converse. -Marei
Ein kleines Entenpaar in der Ostsee. -Frieda

I think Marei took this picture.

Frieda. -Marei

Frieda' eye.

Marei's eye.

Purple flower. -Frieda

Blumenwiese. -Frieda

Perfect. -Frieda


On a boat.

Thu Ha.


Go, go go.
A smile. -Marei

. -Marei or Frieda

After the rain...

with wet hair.

Go make your mark on the world. Be a world changer. 

All pictures are taken with Canon EOS 100D / SL1 by Marei, Frieda or me.


PS: Bei den Fotos, die ich ich nicht gemacht habe, habe ich es dahinter geschrieben. 


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